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Considering to Join Us?

Being a lab that mainly focuses on structural biology of membrane (-associated) proteins using electron microscopy, it helps if you bring some understanding of either membrane biology or physics/structural biology, and are willing and interested to learn the other. Also, as we work closely with both highly advanced microscopes and with large computer clusters, you should not be afraid of technology. As we have an interdisciplinary lab culture, even if you consider yourself a ‘wet-lab scientist’, you will be expected to learn some computer scripting. Similarly, people considering themselves ‘computational scientists’ will be expected to learn some wet-lab work. From own experience and that of others, it is incredibly helpful to know both sides of structural biology, even if this means that one has to sometimes leave ones comfort zone.

In general, we are looking for people that are self-motivated and have a genuine curiosity for science and all the things making the universe go round. While we are a small group and take pride in a warm and nurturing environment, helping people to develop their skills and supplying them with the training they need to finish their projects, I do not consider myself anybody’s overseer. Prospective members of the group will be expected to think for themselves, bring own ideas to their project (and also other peoples projects!), and take responsibility for their project. Still, you will not be expected to work all by yourself in isolation, and we are explicitly not looking for people preferring to work that way. Rather, we try to foster communication, exchange and support both within the group and with other groups of the institute.

Except for junior (that is master/bachelor/rotation) students, people are expected to carry out at least two projects in parallel: one that is going to be more risky, managed and planned individually, and probably more rewarding, and one that might be less stimulating but also less risky. In most cases, the latter is likely to involve cooperation partners from other groups. That way, should your main project fail (or get published by another group) you would still have something to fall back on.


You can find further information on how to apply on the following pages: